Friday, May 17, 2019

Thoughts on guns:

I think it's important to be able to own guns even as users of them kill.
Personal responsibility is essential to preserve the freedoms that we enjoy, and I do think gun education is important. Why don't we teach this in our schools. I don't know. It's like the liberal machine doesn't care about gun education. Gun safety. The liberal gun control freaks want it because they think guns kill people, which is a false claim.

It's important to be able to bear arms in order to preserve the freedoms we enjoy.
How do we cope with this loss of people because the use of guns does kill vs the protection of our freedom to protect our lives against future threats. We have to accept that people die, all people die.
There is no reason whatsoever to prevent gun ownership, but there are things that we can do with new technology to help prevent bad behavior.

This would mean adding chips to guns for easily detectable positioning.

We have to be able to own guns to keep in check the power of government. And Government should be afraid that militias may erupt to prevent violations of civil rights.
It doesn't matter the number of people that die because they were killed by guns, each situation is different. It matters more that we are able to defend an even die for our beliefs surrounding the rights of the individual.